Leader Lodge is a peaceful retreat that one night is not enough to soak it in. We met a nice couple from Australia - that saw monkey's on the Bamboo Nature Path. Alas none of us were able to get the timing right, but we knew they were there. Leaves that could wrap around you like a skirt with their huge jurassic park water catching scale that was hard to believe.
Just when you were admiring size, you might accidentally run into a somewhat colorful spider, that is the size of your hand from toe to toe. Do Spiders have toes? I hope not actually.
We adjusted bikes from another "Giant Cycling Station" below the National Park entrance and began the day's adventure. I assembled any blinky light I could, as the some of the tunnels were frighteningly dark. Surprisingly it was not a rainy day, which the group was not used to, but appreciated! It also seemed traffic was less than the day before when we drove up.
The girls coordinated in our Taiwan Cycling Festival Jersey's, the retina burning colors were hopefully going to keep us alive from the double decker buses rounding corners over the double yellow line, if there was a double yellow. Safety was on my mind. Niamh was on my mind, as she was a super novice rider, and this descent could get fast, wet, technical w/ a mere guard rail to keep you from the cliff diving exit possible. Kate was equipt with here GoPro helmet cam, and if we can get it to reduce file size - I will post the most amazing video of riding through this paradise.

When there were no cars- it was the dreamiest ride you can imagine. Waterfalls on all sides, steep marble swaths going up thousands of feet. Lush green plants with butterflies finding mates and pollen in tiny and large bright flowers.

Every tunnel had it's own personality. Different lighting, no lighting (yes a dark tunnel forced us all to "use the force" & pray it would all work out. Didn't breath for several seconds of total overcoming fear).

Back at the highest point in Taroko we went, there was a colorful bridge that beckoned you to cross it and pass under the bright red entrance gate to Heaven Summit Pagoda. The silty grey water of the Liwu river below was super fast and intimidating. Boulders the size of RV's. The parks 100 peaks of up to 3,742 meters rise around you, hidden by low clouds, peaking out to surprise you. The gate backed by cement tiles that were backwards swastikas. Which alarm the average American, but are actually representing the Sun.
Up many stairs, which is a theme in general I find in Taiwan, something the average physically fit, injury free human might not notice, were shrines. Being that I've only started successfully managing stairs in the last month, post leg surgery - this was always a personal moment of choice, when I would approach another long ladder of stairs. I'd choose to call it a non-issue or physical therapy with a prize at the top! Usually a Pagoda, or as in this path, a couple of stunning golden Buddha's!

The stairs are so worth this view, and structures that are lovingly taken care of. Bright colors contrast with the almost monochromatic background of fog and deep greens. Said a little prayer here.
We all returned to our next night at another new amazing hotel, the Silks Place. Huge rooms with dreamy bathrooms. We all sighed at the site of the free standing tub. Really we are all getting ruined for future travel.
(images of me riding were taken with
my waterproof camera by Mark Blacknell)